Product Lineup
Primary Products Lineup
●Raw timber
- Japanese conifer (cedar, cypress)
- Northern European conifer
- Malaysian and Indonesia tropical wood
- Chinese broad-leaved trees
- Japanese conifer and broad-leaved trees (Hokkaido & Kyushu)
●Laminated wood materials
- European processed structure use laminated wood materials
- Chinese processed housing fixture use laminated wood materials
- Vietnamese processed home fixture use laminated wood materials
- South American processed home fixture use laminated wood materials
- Hokkaido processed home fixture use laminated wood materials
●Lumber processed products
- Chinese hardwood tree flooring
- Hokkaido hardwood tree flooring
- Chinese lumber processed products
- Vietnamese lumber processed products
- Lauan plywood
- Conifer plywood
- Chinese laminated veneer lumber (LVL) plywood
- Vietnamese LVL plywood
- Insect repelling plywood
- Secondary processed plywood
- In-house processed products
●Woodchip board, fiberboard
- Particle board
- MDF (medium-density fiberboard)
- In-house processed products